Buttock Augmentation (Butt Implants) In San Diego And Beverly Hills
View Buttock Augmentation GalleryA Buttock Augmentation is an enhancement procedure that creates a more youthful and prominent buttocks with the use of implants. It allows the patient who is not a candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift the ability to increase the volume of and improve the shape of the buttocks. Dr. Mofid inserts the implants through the vertical buttock crease to minimize the appearance of scars. Patients interested in cosmetic face, body, or breast surgery may also visit his La Jolla-area office for more information on financing or to learn more about the cost of his procedures. Please apply for CareCredit® online to receive instant approval.
Buttock augmentation with implants may benefit patients who feel that their buttocks lack volume and shape. Patients that are physically healthy and have realistic expectations for their results are invited to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mark Mofid to determine what implant size and shape will best help them to achieve their desired appearances.
Dr. Mofid inserts the buttock implants into the vertical gluteal crease within the cleavage of the buttocks. These incisions within the crease minimize the appearance of scars. Dr. Mofid customizes each implant to patient specifications to achieve a uniform, smooth, and natural appearance to the buttocks.
The final results require several weeks for natural swelling and some absorption of fluid to occur. Patients are generally able to return to work in three weeks. A special body garment is worn for three weeks to help control swelling. The final results include an attractive contour and fuller volume buttocks.
More Information about Butt Augmentation – By Dr. Mofid
Gluteal augmentation surgery is a procedure designed to enhance both the volume and shape of the buttocks using a variety of techniques. The procedure can be performed using either autologous fat, meaning using your own liposuctioned fat for volume augmentation or it can be performed using silicone implants. Both of these procedures take approximately 3 to 3-1/2 hours to perform and are performed under general anesthesia.
Gluteal augmentation with structural fat grafting, also known as the Brazilian butt lift, is performed in conjunction with a liposuction procedure using conventional liposuction techniques. The fat is suctioned typically from the areas of the abdomen, the back, and the lower back referred to as the flank area. Fat may also be removed from the outer thighs and the inner thighs. The liposuctioned fat is then prepared using special techniques and reinjected into the buttock region using small cannulas generally leaving no visible scars. The fat is typically injected above the gluteus maximus muscle into the superficial fat of the buttocks, as it appears that this enhances the graft take of the fat that has been injected. Patients wear garments and may return to work within a period of 1 week.
Gluteal augmentation using silicone implants are also an increasingly popular procedure performed today. This procedure is performed by making a small, approximately 6 cm incision within the intergluteal cleft between the two cheeks of the buttocks. Pockets are then created typically within the gluteus musculature or in the subfascial plane on top of the gluteus muscles. My preferred technique is the intermuscular technique where a pocket is dissected within the muscle. Silicone implants are then appropriately shaped and inserted within these pockets and closed in multiple layers. Patients are typically unable to sit in a chair for a period of 3 weeks, though they are permitted to lie supine on their backs with pillows.
The recovery period is typically greater than for that of the Brazilian butt lift and we limit patient activity and exercise for a period of approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
Patients can expect increased volume as well as a better shape to the buttocks using either of these surgeries. In patients where adequate donor fat material is available, it is preferred to perform gluteal augmentation using the Brazilian butt lift technique. However, in cases in which patients lack the fatty tissue needed to perform buttock augmentation using autologous fat, silicone implants may be used. Patients have found a very high level of satisfaction with both of these techniques that we offer.